B2b web development


Acquire new business contacts through the website


Atena Lux has been in the lighting industry for over 25 years, both designing and producing lighting fixtures, and supporting architects and light designers in creating 100% customized projects. Atena Lux’s management asked us to create a website that would highlight the different areas of application of their products, act as a support for agents, and as a catalyst for business contacts.


Art directionWeb designWeb development


– Renew the company’s online image
– Recount the values of the brand and products
– Provide a service to its contact persons
– Reach potential customers and generate new leads.

Strategies and tools

Lighting is a transversal sector, with different application areas, so we have highlighted the different divisions and projects through in-depth landing pages.
In the product catalogue, detailed information and HD images facilitate the work of the agent network.
Every product sheet has been designed to attract prospects and lead them to fill in the contact form/request for quote, thus contributing to lead-generation.

The site and product sheets have been designed to facilitate the work of agents, and the filling in of contact forms and requests for estimates by prospects.

Art direction Web design Web development

Il team Calicantus ci ha aiutato a razionalizzare la presentazione dei nostri prodotti sviluppando un sito web efficace e diretto, come il mercato italiano ed estero ci richiede. Dando centralità a quelle che sono le nostre attitudini e prodotti principali, la nostra identità appare chiara anche a chi apre il sito per la prima volta.

Luigina Barbuio  – CEO


Case Histories

Discover the case histories that show how Brands from different sectors have overcome complex challenges and achieved significant results thanks to our innovative solutions and targeted digital strategies.


International e-Store creation, Mor management and Digital Marketing


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Why choose us?

28M+ turnover
200+ countries served
16yrs of digital commerce
35,7% long term growth (cagr)

