Marketing Strategies for Ecommerce


Defining and disseminating brand identity


DiFrutta is a range of highest-quality juices, nectars and 100% BIO fruit juices.
Bevande Futuriste, brand owner, asked us to define the brand identity and spread it through digital channels, implementing an omnichannel strategy dedicated to awareness and online sales.


Art directionCopy writingEcommerceGestione ordiniGestione socialGraphic designSocial networkSviluppo graficoWeb design


To build and spread the identity of the DiFrutta lines, made up of a wide range of high-quality fruit juices, all obtained from organic farming.

Strategie e strumenti

The brand and product story are structured in a landing-page aimed at market positioning the central theme of which is the description of the material qualities of the product as a response to the lifestyle of the ideal target audience.
The persuasion process expands the opportunity to consume the product, from public to private contexts, thus opening up online sales on the PrestaShop platform with logistics and management integration.

An omnichannel strategy is dedicated to awareness and online sales for a line of 100% organic fruit juices.

Art direction Copy writing Ecommerce Gestione ordini Gestione social Graphic design Social network Sviluppo grafico Web design

