Labo Cosprophar Suisse is a Swiss leading research company whose objective is to patent special, innovative cosmetic products from which consumers can greatly benefit.
Labo International Srl is the operational business branch, set up in Italy in order to directly manage investments in the European and international markets.
Production takes place both in Switzerland and in Italy, while commercial distribution is planned and managed directly by Labo International in 32 Countries worldwide.
IntegrationsManagementMerchant of recordsOnline sales management - Merchant of RecordsShippingObjectives
– Enhancing customer experience with direct digital commerce.
– Serving B2C end users all over Europe.
– Optimizing processes by outsourcing online order management with reference to administrative and accounting procedures (i.e. invoicing, payments and returned goods) and legal matters (from the terms of sale to the privacy policy).
– Focusing internal resources on the business key activities.
– Ensuring a flawless service to digital clients.
– Strengthening warehouse and logistics management procedures by enhancing the current team and structure, reducing costs and optimizing investments.
Strategies and tools
On behalf of the Swiss corporate, the Italian branch Labo International Srl has started an ambitious B2B online sale pilot project choosing Calicantus on account of its experience in the full-outsourcing management of all sales activities to B2C (business to consumer) final consumers, both in the Italian and European markets.