Developing Italy-created sales from traditional to digital channels


Comprehensive project from offline and online order management to customer care


Morica was born from the idea of the three young Brugnotto brothers – Moreno, Riccardo and Carlo – and their desire to propose true Italian design for furnishing accessories, delivering it to customers’ homes, directly from the BRUGNOTTO GROUP family factory.

For more than 40 years, Brugnotto has applied the craftsmanship approach, perfectly integrated into a modern organised company with logistical capabilities unobtainable on the market, capable of integrating the latest technologies into every project.

Morica is a fresh company, full of ideas and a desire to improve the world, to change the way we consume by offering beauty, sustainability and service, with all the solidity and concreteness of the Brugnotto Group behind it.


Customer careIntegrationsOrder managementWeb development


– present genuine Italian-made designer furniture complements
– engage users who only ever seek products of excellence
– stimulate digital purchases
– concentrate internal resources on key business activities
– ensuring an impeccable service to digital customers
– not modify logistics and warehouse management procedures
– improve the customer experience by outsourcing the management of online and offline sales;
cash collection and invoicing; shipping and returns and customer care

Strategies and tools

We implemented an e-commerce platform that would meet the needs of end-consumer target buyers in the design sector.

In addition, Morica chose us as its Ecommerce Service Provider, outsourcing the management of e-commerce orders and related pre- and post-sales activities.

The excellence of Italian-made goods marries the excellence of full outsourcing for online and offline sales.

Customer care Integrations Order management Web development

