Outdoor & garden furniture and design


Creation of an international e-Store with MoR and Customer Service.


Teporia is a new digital-first brand of outdoor design.


Customer careOnline sales management - Merchant of RecordsTotal management and accountingWeb development


Direct selling and cross-border shipping
– Brand launch and communication
– Optimization and management of sales processes
– Organization and management of Customer Service

Strategies and tools

The Teporia eStore represents the brand launch tool. It was developed thanks to the collaboration between Margherita Rui (in charge of the brand and product creative direction), and the partner agency Dogtrot (in charge of the communication strategy, art direction, brand identity and general coordination activities).

The website is also the main sales channel in the Italian and European markets. Profiting considerably from the BigCommerce platform, it is supported by the complete management by Calicantus in the form of Merchant of Records (MoR) and cross-border Customer Service through couriers that are specialized in the delivery of particularly cumbersome items.

The development of the eStore on the BigCommerce platform, together with the total management of sales in the form of MoR and Customer Service, has proved crucial for the launch and cross-border expansion of the Teporia Brand.

Customer care Online sales management - Merchant of Records Total management and accounting Web development

